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Installing Exchange 2007 on a Single Server. By Desktop Tech Support at 2008-09-13 21:09:52

New with the latest release of Microsoft's messaging platform, Exchange 2007, is the ability to split functions of the emailing system into roles or functions. The roles can be installed onto multiple separate server hardware.
Enabling the functions to be broken out to more that one server has enabled more than a more complex install but an emailing system that can extend to support even the most demanding messaging requirements of large enterprises. Scalability has been greatly improved and so has the reliability of the platform. Security has also been enhanced since the roles and functions can be divided on more than one server, the most vulnerable of those roles can be positioned separately from the data.
A question I often hear repeated among IT folks questions whether all these roles and functions of the email system can be installed on a single server. The answer to this is a simple yes. Microsoft Exchange 2007 can be installed on a single server.
For more information and helpful links for support - http://delicious.com/Puppet9999
For images on VPNs and other network structures: VPN images and technical support
The five Exchange 2007 Server Roles are as follows:
· Mailbox Server Role · Client Access Server (CAS) role · Hub Transport Server (HTS) role · Edge Transport role · Unified Messaging
Outlook Web Access running on Windows XP desktop or Windows Vista desktop can have a problem with viewing or opening attachments. The error message differs slightly but the solution is the same. The following post shows you how to solve the problem. I used it and it worked great.
Can't Open, View, or Save Attachments in OWA with Exchange 2007 IE7
Related post regarding and answering the question, Can Exchange 2007 Work On a Single Server. Microsoft has redesigned Exchange and has gone the extra and important length of giving implementors and information technology infrastructure designers the opportunity to separate the roles of the messaging system onto multiple server.
One of the nicest features of Exchange 2007 is the fact that it can be deployed accross multiple servers much easier (relatively speaking) than with previous versions.
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By yon von rhinehardt at 2008-10-18 11:24:17 Thank you for confirming that Microsoft Exchange 2007 can run on a single server. As we are preparing for an email deployment as part of a move from a hosted email environment having the server in house. This fact was key to our decision.
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